
Konosuba S3 Ep 3: Saved by Darkness

Konosuba season 3 episode 3 review

I had mentally prepared to write a eulogy, an obituary of sorts, for Konosuba. Not for the series as a whole, but for this episode. You see, Konosuba is like Seinfeld. It’s got four main characters. If any one of those four characters is out, then the whole episode suffers. Do you remember the episode where Jerry went down to see his parents and George wasn’t in the episode at all? Of course you don’t, because it was one of the least memorable Seinfeld episodes of all time.

So, Konosuba is the same way. It needs Kazuma. It needs Darkness. It really needs Aqua. And yes, it even needs Megumin. It needs all four together.

When I saw that Kazuma was going to be spending some time with that other Princess Iris, I knew we were in trouble. And sure enough, the first half of this episode was some of the worst and most boring stuff Konosuba has ever offered. If you didn’t fall asleep during it, you at least yawned. Kazuma + Iris – the other three = boredom.

Fortunately, though, Darkness shows up halfway through the episode, with Aqua and Megumin in tow. And the rest of the episode is pretty good, even though Aqua and Megumin were kind of superfluous for a change. Darkness and Kazuma provided all kinds of entertainment. There’s a reason Darkness is best girl and she’s my waifu. If she doesn’t barge in and stop the boredom, this episode would have gone down as the worst in Konosuba history.

But rest assured, it’s all good. Konosuba has been saved by the bell. Now it’s time to get up off the canvas next week.

Best girl of the episode: Lalatina Dustiness Ford (who else?)

Episode rating: 6/10